Given: \version "2.13.7" \header { tagline = ##f } \layout { \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } } \paper{ indent = 0\mm paper-width = 3\in line-width = 1.5\in paper-height = 5\in print-page-number = ##f after-title-space = 0\mm before-title-space = 0\mm between-system-padding = 0\mm between-system-space = 0\mm between-title-space = 0\mm head-separation = 0\mm page-top-space = 0\mm ragged-last-bottom = ##f } flash = { e,4 s2. \pageBreak f4 s2. \pageBreak g4 s2. \pageBreak a4 s2. } { << \new Staff \relative c' { \set Score.barNumberVisibility = ##f \flash } \new TabStaff \relative c { \flash } >> }
How do I control the distance between the staff and the tab staff. I believe it is distorted because there is no other data on the page which invokes some sort of stretching algorithm. Is there a way to adjust this? I've played around with \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent to no avail(I can't claim that I 'played' either correctly or in the right place). --hsm _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list