Thanks for the pointer, Alexander. I had looked, but not far enough.
Here is what works:

\version "2.13.7"
\header {
  tagline = ##f
\layout {
  \context {
    \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
  indent = 0\mm
  paper-width = 3\in
  line-width = 1.5\in
  paper-height = 5\in
  print-page-number = ##f
  after-title-space = 0\mm
  before-title-space = 0\mm
  between-system-padding = 0\mm
  between-system-space = 0\mm
  between-title-space = 0\mm
  head-separation = 0\mm
  page-top-space = 0\mm
  ragged-last-bottom = ##f

\relative c'{
  \set Score.barNumberVisibility = ##f
  e,4 s2.
  f4 s2.
  g4 s2.
  a4 s2.

I've now got the basis for creating flash cards in Lilypond. Even
though commercial cards are inexpensive, these are cheaper and can be
customized to suit my needs (adding tablature for instance.) Besides
it was a good way to learn a bit more about Lilypond.


On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 3:08 AM, Alexander Kobel <> wrote:
> Alexander Kobel wrote:
>> Hugh Myers wrote:
>>> How do I remove it such that each page begins at same top-left corner?
>> If you're not afraid of using the command line, if you're on Linux (might
>> work on Windows also, but I have no clue if you can get all the required
>> tools there), and if the settings explained in the Notation Reference don't
>> help, I can dig out a small script which really gives a tight crop.
> Sorry for the noise, it's already on the list. See this thread:
> The essential part is in the %-trimmed.pdf rule of the Makefile.
> Cheers,
> Alexander

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