In the next release (planned to release this week), I worked on this
part, so keep in touch, perhaps this will be fixed.
Nick Payne wrote:
When I use jEdit/Lilypondtool on Linux, about one time in four or five
that I run Lilypond from the LPT toolbar, Lilypondtool doesn't
recognise when Lilypond has finished processing, doesn't return with
the "Lilypond ready" prompt in the console window after the PDf has
been generated, and the updated output doesn't appear in the PDF
preview window, though I can open the newly created PDF in Evince. I
have to click the "Stop" button in the console window toolbar to get
processing to stop and the PDF preview to refresh. I've had the
problem with several different versions of Lilypond, with both jEdit
4.3pre17 and 4.3pre18, and on both 32-bit and 64-bit Ubuntu. I have
never seen the same problem when using LP and LPT on Windows.
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