I asked the question (after googling I might add ;-) ) because I
figured if anything was on going it would have been heard about here.
Mostly I asked in order to avoid re-inventing the wheel. While I don't
claim to have solved the problem, what I do have is what I call an 80%
solution. It will read in an ascii text file and produce an .ly file.
It does so with no effort to solve any of the trickier problems
involved, as yet not even the features I more or less plan on--- this
is something I started a year or so ago and only now have gotten back
to. Mostly I write these sort of things because the challenge is
interesting, giving me a chance to learn about the language or the
problem or both...


On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 2:07 AM, Federico Bruni <brunol...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Marc Hohl wrote:
>> But seriously: is tuxguitar able to read ascii tabs? It has a export
>> function to lilypond.
> AFAIK, tuxguitar can't open ascii tabs.
> But it can import midi file very well.
> Does a good converter ascii2midi exist?
> Kguitar should be able to read ascii files (use .tab extension and you
> will see the file in the open window), but I've tried an ascii file
> right now and does not work.
> It says:
> "Can't load or import song!It may be a damaged/wrong file format or,
> if you're trying experimental importers it may be a flaw with the
> import code."
> I don't have any other ascii tab so I can't test it much..
> HTH,
> Federico
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