Hi all, I'm so grateful for such an active community on this fabulous program!
Yesterday, I was dealing with fonts; today I'm wondering just what got into my code. For much of the time I have been working on this file, it's taken 5 - 7 seconds to compile. All of a sudden this morning, it started taking up to 30 seconds, and I haven't done anything radical. Can someone have a look at my code and see if there is something really stupid in there that is slowing me down? So far, (obviously it's not finished yet) the results are pleasing, and I realise I have some tweaks to do as I finish up. --------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%Begin Code%%%%%%%%%%% % Created on Tue Nov 24 23:05:52 EST 2009 \version "2.13.0" \header { title = "'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime" subtitle = "Ieso8s Ahatonnia" poet = "St. Jean de Brébeuf (c. 1643)" composer = "Ancient French Carol" arranger = "arr. Healey Willan, 1927" } verseI= \lyricmode { \set stanza = "Wendat." E -- stenn -- ia -- lon de tson -- Ȣ -- e Ie -- soȢs a -- ha -- tonn -- ia On -- na -- Ȣa -- te -- Ȣa d'o -- ki n'on -- Ȣ -- and -- as -- kȢa -- en -- tak En -- non -- chi -- en skȢa -- tri -- ho -- tat -- _ n'on -- Ȣan -- di -- lon -- rach -- a -- tha Ie -- soȢs a -- ha -- tonn -- ia; a -- ha -- tonn -- ia Ie -- soȢs a -- _ -- ha -- tonn -- ia. } verseII= \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1." 'Twas in the moon of win -- ter -- time when all the birds had fled That migh -- ty Git -- chi Man -- i -- tou sent an -- gel choirs in -- stead; Be -- fore their light the stars grew dim, And won -- dring hun -- ters heard the hymn: Je -- sus your King is born, Je -- sus is born In ex -- cel -- sis glo -- ri -- a } verseIII= \lyricmode { \set stanza = "2." With -- in a lodge of bro -- ken bark The ten -- der babe was found, A rag -- ged robe of rab -- bit skin en -- wrapped His beau -- ty round; But as the hun -- ter braves drew nigh the an -- gel song rang loud and high. } verseIIII= \lyricmode { \set stanza = "3." The ear -- liest moon of win -- ter time Is not so round and fair As was the ring of glo -- ry on The help -- less In -- fant there. The chiefs from far be -- fore Him knelt With gifts of fox and bea -- ver pelt. } verseIIIII= \lyricmode { \set stanza = "4." O chil -- dren of the for -- est free, O sons of Man -- i -- tou The Ho -- ly Child of earth and heav'n Is born to -- day for you. Come kneel be -- for the ra -- diant Boy Who brings you beau -- ty, peace and joy. } staffSoprano = \new Staff { \time 4/8 \set Staff.instrumentName="Melody" \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs" \key a \minor \clef treble \relative { \context Voice = "melodySop" { \dynamicUp \partial 8 r8 r2 r r r8 r4 e8 a b c d c b a g a a b g a4 r8 e8 a b c d c b a g a c b g a4 r8 a8 e' e b c d8. c16 b8 b c b a a b8. a16 a8( g) e a a4 g8 f e4 a4 g8 e a r8 a8 b \time 3/4 \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f c d e4 b \time 4/8 \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f a4. } % \bar "|." } } staffPiano = \new PianoStaff { \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand" \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano " << \context Staff = "RH" { % Right hand \clef treble \key a \minor \relative { \partial 8 r8 r4 r8 e8 a b c <e, b' e> <a e' a>4 <b d g(> <a) e' a>4. r8 r4 r8 f8 a b c <b e> ~ << { e8 d b4 } \\ {a4 ~ a8 g} >> r8 e8 a b <a c> <b e> <c a'> <b g> <c a> < b e> <a c> <b e> ~ <c e> ~ <c f> <b g> ~ <b e> ~ << {e8 d c d} \\ { a2 } >> << { <e a e'>4 <g g'> } \\ {s4 b8 c} >> <d, a' d>4 <d g b> <e c'> <c a'> <e b'> <c a'>8 <b g'> } } \context Staff = "LH" { % Left hand \clef bass \key a \minor \relative { \partial 8 e,8 a b c e c b a e ~ << { <e a,>2 } \\ { d'4 \rest <b e g>4 } >> << {<a, e'>4 e8} { <a' e' g>4. s8 } >> a b c d c b a g f4 g( <a c>4.) } } >> } \score { %\transpose a e, << \staffSoprano \context Lyrics = "lmelodySopLI" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "melodySop" \verseI } \context Lyrics = "lmelodySopLII" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "melodySop" \verseII } \context Lyrics = "lmelodySopLIII" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "melodySop" \verseIII } \context Lyrics = "lmelodySopLIIII" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "melodySop" \verseIIII } \context Lyrics = "lmelodySopLIIIII" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "melodySop" \verseIIIII } \staffPiano >> \midi { } \layout { } } \paper { } %%%%%%%%%End Code%%%%%%%% ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fr. Gordon Gilbert Penetanguishene, ON
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