There are many ways to do this. I usually have five musical parts for this kind of thing. one for the melody, then SATB separated out into their own variables with a manual \break between the two. for example:

\version "2.12.2"
\layout {\context {\RemoveEmptyStaffContext \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t } }
global = { s1*6 \break s1*4 \bar "|." }
melody = { \repeat unfold 24 {c'4} }
Soprano = { R1*6 \repeat unfold 16 {c''4}}
Alto = { R1*6 \repeat unfold 16 {e'4}}
Tenor = {R1*6 \repeat unfold 16 {g4}}
Bass = { R1*6 \repeat unfold 16 {c4}}
\score {
      \new Staff << \melody \global >>
      \new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff << \global << \new Voice = Soprano { \voiceOne \Soprano} \new Voice = Alto{ \voiceTwo \Alto }>> >> \new Staff << \clef bass \global << \new Voice = Tenor { \voiceOne \Tenor } \new Voice = Bass {\voiceTwo \Bass } >> >>

On 21.11.2009, at 20:16, Tom Dickson wrote:

I have a setting of O Come, O Come Emmanuel that I want to make the refrain in four-part harmony, but leave the rest of the hymn in melody. Right now I'm "cheating" by putting the Refrain as the last part of the first verse.

A copy of the file is here:

What would I do to make the refrain SATB? I don't want to make the whole piece 4 part.


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