As a general rule, I would suggest the learning manual, chapter 4
(and everything else before it) to understand a) how lilypond works,
and b) how to make changes, i.e., \overrides
On 19.11.2009, at 20:48, stefankaegi wrote:
Do you have any idea how to do this override stuff? Sorry, I have no
clue. Will check out the forum.
Cheers, Stefan
Am Donnerstag, den 19.11.2009, 19:00 +0100 schrieb James E. Bailey:
On 19.11.2009, at 18:27, stefankaegi wrote:
I'd like to have the time signature "3+1/2 / 4"
(three and a half quarters).
How can I do this?
Thank you for your advice
Best wishes
The easiest way is probably to create a hidden 7/8 time signature,
override the displayed time signature with markup showing what you
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James E. Bailey
James E. Bailey
lilypond-user mailing list