I'm assuming that you're using 2.13? This problem has apparently been addressed and fixed for the next release.

On 14.11.2009, at 21:49, Jesús Guillermo Andrade wrote:

Dear fellows: I need to learn some fundamental inner working of the chord symbols. Regarding their placement in the page, I've tried the following construct in a single page:
 \layout {
                  \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1
                  \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'( 0 . 0 )
          \context{  \ChordNames
                  \override ChordName #'(baseline-skip . 2)
                  %\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'( -1 . 3 )
It has been proved wrong, since the resulting symbols are not in the same fixed distance from the staff lines. So what can I do to control their position efectively in respect of the staff itself across all systems? If you may, please have a look at the attached image: 1st system is ok, whereas the next ones change continually over the rest of the song, showing different separations between the symbols and the top line of each staff.

Perhaps its some sort of collission control in effect here? I would need to set a fixed height for all chord symbols, then I would need to prevent collisions, but i guess that last part is taken care of automatically... or not?

Thanks a lot for your kind help.


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