Hi, all!

Some time ago, Werner asked on the devel-list in a thread about "setting the number of pages for a score"
My main concern is to make
lilypond handle the above described situation automatically --
lilypond's normal page breaking algorithm won't work because the left
and right page for `primo' and `secondo' have be handled
synchronously.  Here an example of the distribution of bars.  The even
pages are on the left.

   page         secondo            primo
   ----         -------            -----
     2           1-40               --
     3            --               1-40
     4           41-70              --
     5            --               41-70


Of course I can manually insert \pageBreaks, but...  Just to be sure:
Have you ever seen such primo/secondo scores?
And we have today the question from a French user.
Has anybody achieved this? Or, at least, has anybody any hint about where to put the fingers?

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