As several users have responded asking for feedback why I stopped with
lilypond (or criticism). Here's my 2cents worth.

During the last four weeks I have been restoring a piece. It has come to me
in several different parts. Handwriting, several voices just as extraction
parts. The publisher asked for goodlooking, editable scores. Which seemed
like a good point to start with lilypond. I started with the simplest piece,
a voice with organ. Laying it all out wasn't the problem. I am familiar with
programming, and familiar with other markup languages. From day one I ran
into trouble with notating what was asked. I have found the list very
friendly and very helpful. In the end all my questions were answered, and
all notating puzzles solved. But the fact I had to use several of these
solutions (or work arounds) in one score (or even in one bar) made inputting
very tedious. The last piece I did was a short piece of 25 bars, four
voices. Took me two days to complete. And although I can see that the speed
will get greater, at this point I'm only frustrated. I created all 10
movements in Sibelius, took me about 5 evenings. I have created the 4
smallest of them with lilypond, took me 20 evenings. So I take all the
blame. I'm just to slow. On the practical side the work just could not wait.

On the plus I found, good looking scores, very flexible
On the minus I found, very tedious, time-consuming and heavily relying on

Hope this will give some inside. I won't say I'll never try again, but not
just now.

Hou je goed / Keep well,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick McCarty []
> Sent: woensdag 11 november 2009 0:39
> To: Erik Appeldoorn
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: quit
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Erik Appeldoorn <>
> wrote:
> > I've been around for a short while only. A month with lilypond and 3
> weeks
> > on the list. Made a couple of scores, quite complex ones. But for each
> and
> > every one I had to fiddle for hours and hours trying to grab all the
> > details. All the while I had Sibelius at the ready and whenever I did
> > fallback finished the score in record time. This is not going to
> continue I
> > thought. I'd rather have a score that looks 85% than no score at all. So
> for
> > now it's quits with Lilypond. Perhaps I'll be back, I just don't know.
> All
> > that helped, many thanks. I have now disabled the posts from the list,
> any
> > reply have to be personal.
> While it's interesting that you have stopped using LilyPond, I wish
> you would have posted some constructive feedback or criticism.
> Do you have suggestions to improve the documentation or the program
> itself?
> Thanks,
> Patrick

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