chip wrote:
why would a

c16^"Solo Free Time" d ef f g2. as4 gs g32 gs g8~ g1 g4 f16 ef d f d ef c4 ef8 c16 d g,1 \bar "" c16 d ef f g2 g \glissando g' g16 f ef d c b a g f e d c4 b2 e b16 e b1 \bar "||"

cause a bar check failure?
It doesn't, at least not by itself! You can only get bar check failures if you have bar checks, i.e. if you have inserted a | where you expect the bar line to happen. I tried to turn your incomplete example into something that can be ran directly in LilyPond, like
\version "2.12.0"
\include ""
\relative c'{
c1 |
c16^"Solo Free Time" d ef f g2. as4 gs g32 gs g8~ g1 g4 f16 ef d f d ef c4 ef8 c16 d g,1 \bar "" c16 d ef f g2 g \glissando g' g16 f ef d c b a g f e d c4 b2 e b16 e b1 \bar "||"
c1 |
and I don't see any bar check failures. It's much much easier to provide relevant answers to a question like this if you include a complete (but small) example of an .ly file that illustrates your problem.


I've removed the \bar "" bits, but then the long line is placed on one staff and is cut off the page, and still causes a bar check failure.
I've also replace the \bar "" with \break, but that doesn't work at all.

From the manual -

        Unmetered music

        Bar lines and bar numbers are calculated automatically. For
        unmetered music (some cadenzas, for example), this is not
        desirable. To turn off automatic calculation of bar lines and
        bar numbers, use the command |\cadenzaOn|, and use
|\cadenzaOff| to turn them on again. Apparently this doesn't work as described? This is causing me a big hassle. Surely there is a fix for this?



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