I don't think I can offer a way to do what you're asking. I mainly want to point out that the slash separator is working as advertised for you. It is used in scores to make it easy to find line breaks in a large score particularly when the number of staves changes as instruments are removed from the score due to lengthy rests. One thing you can do is to simply number each exercise using the instrument name. Along with the indenting this should make the beginnings, and the endings, of the exercises clear enough.

Hope this helps,


David Sumbler wrote:
I'm very new to LilyPond - using 2.12.1

I'm doing some pretty simple stuff at the moment, just for my own use.  I am
trying to create a file with some very short single-instrument exercises.  Each
one is only a few staves in length, so I don't want them to have a whole page

Titles would be overkill for what I'm doing (in any case, there are no titles),
so at the moment the start of each new item is only shown by the fact that there
is a time signature at the start of the line.  Because there are lots of repeat
marks in the exercises themselves, the closing double bar doesn't stand out.

I thought that using the slashSeparator between items would make things clearer,
but I only want it after each complete item, not after every line.  I've just
spent about 2 hours trying to figure out how I can do this, without any success
at all!

I've got round the problem by commenting out the "indent = #0" lines that I have
in the layout sections, but I would like to restore them if I can use

Can someone help on this one, please?


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