Wilbert Berendsen <lily...@xs4all.nl> writes:

> Agreed. Even when explicitly instantiating voices it remains necessary to use 
> them for e.g. cross-voice ties. Easy cross-voice ties would be very nice, as 
> they occor very often in keyboard music. This is an example that works:
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \Staff
>     \consists "Tie_engraver"
>   }
>   \context {
>     \Voice
>     \remove "Tie_engraver"
>   }
> }
> \new Staff \relative c' <<
>   { c4 e~ g b }
>   \\
>   { a,2 e' }
> But I don't know how it would affect more complex stuff such as multiple 
> voices with tied chords in a staff.

One thing that would help is a concept of graceful degradation.  With
that I mean that the Tie_engraver in a voice may declare "I give up",
and _if_ (and only if) one happens to have a Tie_engraver in the Staff,
it will then get control in order to also place the tie.

David Kastrup

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