Hi Frédéric,
It is funny. I was quite sure to have the solution but I do not
understand why what I propose does not work: you have to separate
notes and TextSpan in parallel music expressions.
Can somebody tell why this does not work?
Because your construct doesn't have two Voice constructs, only two
expressions in the same Voice.
Instead, try
tsRal = \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = "Ral."
\new Score <<
\new Staff \relative c' { \time 3/4
<< { d2 d4 | cis a2 } \new Voice { \tsRal s2.\startTextSpan s2
s8 s8\stopTextSpan } >>
\new Staff \relative c' { \time 3/4
<< { \repeat unfold 12 d8 } \new Voice { \tsRal s2.
\startTextSpan s2 s8 s8\stopTextSpan } >>
Hope this helps!
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