On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 07:34:31PM +0100, James E. Bailey wrote:
> Okay, yeah, that solved the problem. downgrading to python 2.4.6 solved
> the problem and lilypond-book works perfectly now. Whom do I talk to to
> have this updated in the distributed binary?

This assumes that we have anybody working in this area.  We do

I suppose that I'm dealing with release issues at the moment, but
I think the python thing comes from the lilypad package
generation.  Hmm, perhaps now that we have python in the lilypond
app, the scripts should use #!/path/to/lilypond/python rather than
#!/usr/bin/env python.  Then again, maybe this is already done.

If I wasn't struggling to keep up with daily maintenance stuff...
well, if wasn't doing that, I'd be working on the new website.
So let's say that if I wasn't dealing with daily maintenance and
the new website was finished, I'd look into this.

As you start dealing with bugs, I hope you won't be disappointed.
Regardless of how nicely you write up the bugs and how carefully
you tag them in the issue tracker, there's only approximately a
20% that the bug will be fixed in the first 3 months.  After that,
the chance drops to about 5-10%.
(estimates from empirical bug data over the past couple of years)

There's no short-term solution to this.  The long-term solution is
to attract more developers.  I of course have some plans for this,
but they're on hold because I need to do so many mundane things.

- Graham

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