On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 05:43:53PM -0600, Andrew Hawryluk wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Graham Percival
> <gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:
> > Hmm.  I think the Examples page has enough early music / simple
> > notes examples, but thanks for the offer!
> I think the offer was intended for the "Large Projects" category,
> which is currently empty. The proposed score would have between 8 and
> 11 staves, depending on the set-up.

Yes, but we already had a 21-staff orchestra exerpt from Jonathan.
After discussing it, we removed it because it didn't "grab" me...
I mean, sure, it showed a full orchestral score, but the
notes+rhythms were relatively standard (I haven't actually
listened to it musically; I just mean that there weren't a ton of
accidentals or whatever).

I'm tempted to reinstate that example, except that I don't have
the source code, and Jonathan has tendonitus and is sensibly
avoiding typing.  Yes, I'm getting less picky as time moves on,
but I'd still rather have a full orchestra (or even
orchestra+voices) setup.

- Graham

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