On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 08:13:42AM +0200, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

> From: Adrian Foltyn <adria...@gmail.com>
> Subject: lilypond on eee pc

> I'm having problems installing lilypond on eee pc 4G 701 with Xandros. I
> have looked for any information on the web but I found nothing. I tried both
> with tetex and texlive, both won't install completety which in turn prevents
> lilypond from working. Since you probably are my last chance, I'm writing to
> you, hoping that sth can be done.

I'm using Lilypond on an EeePC 900. But I completely replaced Xandros with 
Fedora 11, installed
from a LiveCD image on an USB stick.
A EeePC 900 has more diskspace, which makes installing Fedora easier. But I 
still removed a lot
of things I did not need, and replaced for example Gnome with LXDE.

There will be a smaller, stripped down version of Fedora 12 based on the LXDE 
desktop which should fit nicely on an 
EeePC 700 I think. Then a simple "yum install lilypond" should do the trick.

I wouldn't be surprised also the Ubuntu people have special support for small 
EeePC netbooks
with a stripped down distro variant ? And Lilypond is in the standard Ubuntu 
repositories ?


Martin Tarenskeen

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