Ah, I misunderstood. Yes, you want \tieDown. If you'd rather, you can
redefine \voiceOne so that ties are always down, but in multi-voice
music, the ties follow the direction of the stems. Incidentally,
setting \tieDown does not affect the stems. So no, this is not a bug,
this is a feature.
On 02.10.2009, at 06:43, Patrick McCarty wrote:
Hi Nick,
On 2009-10-02, Nick Didkovsky wrote:
I was using 2.11.37 when I reported this problem
I upgraded to 2.12.2 but the problem remains, unfortunately
I am reluctant to use tieUp tieDown because then I will need to
specify stem direction as well. These are things LilyPond has been
doing fine without my specifying and I'd like to keep it that way.
It makes better decisions about stem directions than I do. And it is
only this situation when there is more than one voice on the staff
where the problem arises.
Is this an acknowledged bug with a chance of a fix?
You are using more than one voice, so that is why the ties are up
instead of down. The stem direction won't change if you use \tieUp or
If you just want to override some of the ties, use
Have you read the Learning Manual? I believe these issues are
thoroughly covered there.
James E. Bailey
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