On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Ralph Palmer <palmer.r.vio...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Paul and Marc -
> My apologies for the late reply -- I was on vacation last week, with no
> internet access. For the circumflex indicating a half step, take a look at
> the Learning Manual and possibly the index, and look for \markup.
> For the bowing markers, I've seen H or Fr, T or P, M, LH, UH and WH, for
> heel or frog, tip or point, middle, lower half, upper half, and whole bow,
> respectively.


Perhaps a touch off topic, but there's a brilliant pair of symbols for
'downbow over the entire compass of the bow' and 'upbow over the entire
compass of the bow' floating around contemporary scores now.  The 'full
downbow' symbol is the usual squared-off staple (or capital pi, perhaps) but
with a 'foot' that extends to the right:

  |    |
  |    |_

The 'full upbow' symbol is the usual V but with a superscripted 'shoulder'
that extends, likewise, to the right:

  \   /
   \ /

A friend first pointed these out to me in scores by (Berlin-based) Swiss
composer Hanspeter Kyburz. They're immediately striking, extremely useful,
and deserve to be better known. (Though I think neither exists, at least not
yet, in Lily.)


Trevor Bača
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