On 9/29/09 9:09 AM, "Neil Puttock" <n.putt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2009/9/29 Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu>:
>> But even better, you point out a problem in autobeaming, and the default
>> rules get fixed.
> This isn't a autobeaming problem though; if you recall, we discussed
> the behaviour of quavers in 3/4 during the review of your patches for
> autobeaming and you changed it back to how it was originally (as shown
> in the Baerenreiter Bach Sarabande, which LilyPond strives to
> emulate).

In referring to Stone (p. 113), he indicates that for ternary measures (e.g.
3/4), it would be "customary to combine one pair of equals (if there is one)
and leave the remaining beat-unit separate."  He then illustrates, showing
that for a measure of all 8th notes, the preferred beaming would be a8[ a a
a] a8[ a].  But for a mixed set of notes, the beaming would be different:
 a8.[ a16] a8[ a a a].  I don't think the current autobeaming structure in
LilyPond can support this rule, but perhaps it's a feature for future

He then goes on to say:

"If all notes are of the same value, or all three beat-units have the same
rhythm, the entire measure may be beamed together, but this is recommended
chiefly for 3/8 measures."

I interpreted this to mean that we shouldn't have the default grouping of
8th notes in 3/4 be (6), but rather (2 2 2).

I guess Stone is ambivalent on this.  On the one hand, he says is should be
grouped (4 2), but it's also acceptable to group it (6).

If you're satisfied that it really should be grouped (6), I'll be happy to
revert my most recent patch.



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