rosea grammostola a écrit :
Philippe Hezaine wrote:
Philippe Hezaine a écrit :
Hi all,

Here is the new Puzzle du Batteur-The Drummer's Gigsaw.
Published under GPLv3 or later Licence, at this time it's only available
for Linux.
Forget the old versions and first of all read the README.
Feedbacks, suggestions, criticisms are welcome, of course.

Download the tar.bz2 archive here:


Sorry. I've found several mistakes in the PATH.
Here is a corrected version:

Hopefully it works. Tell me if it doesn't.
Did you made some progress getting a better midi output?



The Gigsaw's midi output from a lilypond file gives you a midi file with velocities values. You haven't this option from a default lilypond file which only implements volume values per channel. But the Gigsaw uses a special way to get this result. Lilypond's midi output is especially buggy to do a sort about Param. It doesn't forget them but sometimes they are not in the right order for a clean midi file. Hence some unsolvable issues when I used Mididings.
You can check what i say with midicomp.

For this reason Gigsaw's midi files are stamped +veloc.
Have you succeed to install and run the new Drummer's Gigsaw?
There are around 250 downloads on my site and nobody gives me a feedback. I'm a bit disappointed.

P.S. A second edition is coming soon with an easier install. All the stuff will be done by a bash script. Ouf!

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