On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 11:19:26AM +0200, Joerg Anders wrote:
> A word from NtEd developer:
> On Sat, 26 Sep 2009, Laura Conrad wrote:
>> A quick test on the same MIDI file as earlier shows that it spells Bb
>> wrong, and doesn't correct it if I edit the key signature.
>        bes'4  c  d  es | % 2
>        f  g  a  bes | % 3
> Which in turn creates a correct Bb scale. What is misspelled ? "bes" ?

Hi Joerg and Laura,

I think I can explain the problem.

You are using a correct MIDI file with the key signature in the MIDI 
meta events.

The MIDI file examples that Laura is using (she mailed them to me) 
contain Bb/A# notes but do not contain (a correct) Key Signature MIDI 
Meta Event. In MIDI there is no simple way to see the difference between 
A# and Bb (It's just a note number) if such a Key Signature MIDI Meta 
Event is not present or is simply giving a default "C Major".

That's why midi2ly has a "--key=..." commandline option. Unfortunately 
this option is not working ( The commandline key-signature is 
overwritten by the one in the MIDI meta events). I'm looking into it to 
solve this problem. 

One workaround that sort of worked for me: I converted Laura's file with 
midi2ly (unreleased version), edited the ly file to include \key d 
\minor in all parts and a midi{} block, created a new midifile with it, 
ran midi2ly on the new midifile, and finally I was having a ly file with 
Bb instead of A#. We don't want that, right ?

If I succeed in fixing this problem plus the problems with long notes, 
ties-across-barlines, and barcheck calculations when meter changes, I 
think we will have a pretty usable midi2ly utility ...


Martin Tarenskeen

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