On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 10:24:19AM +0200, Rodolfo Zitellini wrote:
> I am trying to typeset a piece in 3/2 void notation. I entered all the
> music in 3/4 and altered the noteheads with #'duration-log = 1 to make
> all notes white. This fakes 3/2 ok, but all notes bigger than a minim
> (in 3/2) now have stem, which requires me to turn on and off all the
> stems manually for every note that should not have one (i.e. all the
> semibreves in 3/2).

Out of interest, why not enter the music in 3/4 ?  I'm missing
something here.

> I understand that in scheme it is possible to access the value of
> duration-log to conditionally change the notehead stencil, it it
> possible to do the same for the stem? I would just need to hide the
> stem for all notes with value >= 2 (as entered in lilypond).

Yes, this is possible.

- Graham

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