On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 19:27, Jean-Charles Malahieude
<lily...@orange.fr> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been trying and trying.
>> Removed settings, changed some, but I just can't get a good A6-sized
>> sheet.
>> These are my files:
>> http://www.ff.fm/downloads/ptfm.ly
>> http://www.ff.fm/downloads/ptfm.pdf
>> It seems to me, I'm getting an A4 pdf.
>> But the biggest problem is getting the staffs and measures evenly spread.
> Sorry to inform you that, according to the properties of your pdf, the page
> size is 148 x 105 mm which matches the A6 format, as stipulated in the ISO
> 216 norm.

You're all correct about the dimensions.
Evince gives the same measurements (A6).

But my print preview is on A4. I have to print with the options '4
pages on 1 page' to have the correct output.
I guess this is more a printer issue then.

Maybe that's why the printout doesn't please me ;)
The lines and notes look to fat in comparisation to normal sheets and
even reduced sheets from A4 to A6.

> If you happen to read French, have a look at
> http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Format_de_papier

I can read it a little bit ;)

That page does also exist in English and other languages ;)

Met vriendelijke groet (Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Med
venlig hilsen  / Salutations distinguées),

Jeroen Heijmans

(o.o) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny to your signature
(>< ) to help him in his world domination quest!

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