> pngtopnm tie.png > tie.pnm
> pnmcrop -white tie.pnm > tie-cropped.pnm
> ppmtopng tie-cropped.pnm
> /Users/PLS/bin/lily2image: line 626: ppmtopng: command not found
> ppmtopng failed converting to final output - lily2image aborting.
> Isn't ppmtopng part of netpbm (I have netpbm version 10.26.61)? I didn't
> find ppmtopng on my machine. What do I have to do about the warning? (I can
> run lily2image with -f=jpeg)
At this point it should try to call pnmtopng, not ppmtopng. The script
checks to see which outformat command to use based on the return status of
"which ppmto$outformat". If it returns 1 (which it should in this case), it
runs instead pnmto$outformat. (in this case pnmtopng). I'm not sure why that
part of the script isn't working on your machine.

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