I'm laying out a piece of piano music which is monophonic, but with the notes
passing frequently from hand to hand. For the performer's convenience I notate
it on two staves. For my own convenience, I'm coding it as if there is only one
strand of music, and I use \change Staff as necessary. I use the stem-direction
commands \stemDown, \stemUp and \stemNeutral on occasion, to distinguish
left-hand from right-hand notes when they are on the same stave.
However, changes of key signature do not always affect both staves. It seems
that using stem-direction commands causes this buggy behaviour, and not using
them causes changes of key signature to affect both staves just as they should.
I am using Lilypond 2.12.2.
%% begin example lilypond file
\include "english.ly"
global =
\key a \major
\key c \major
pianoMusic =
\relative a, { \change Staff = "lh" \stemDown a4 \stemUp e' \change Staff =
"rh" cs' e }
\relative c { \change Staff = "lh" \stemNeutral c g' \change Staff = "rh"
e' c' }
pianoMusicLH =
\clef bass
% Note that \pianoMusic works only if it is put in "lh" (which is the staff
in which the piano music starts).
\new PianoStaff
\new Staff = "rh" << \global >>
\new Staff = "lh" << \global \pianoMusic \pianoMusicLH >>
\layout { }
} % score
%% end example lilypond file
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