I'm trying to extract some Lilypond snippets to insert into a Word document, and found a trick in the archives here:
\version "2.13.3" %{ Austin collection of Mumming Plays %} \layout { clip-regions = #(list (cons (make-rhythmic-location 0 0 1) (make-rhythmic-location 9 4 4))) } #(ly:set-option 'clip-systems) \relative c' { \key g \major \time 2/4 { \partial 8 d16[ d] | g8[ d] b[ d] | g4 \breathe g8[ g] | a[ a] a[ a] | a4. \breathe a8 | b8[ b] b[ b] | c[ c] \breathe c[ c] | b[ g] a[ fis] | g4. \bar "|." } \addlyrics {With a hel met on his head And a sword by his si de The sol dier mounts his gall ant steed To con quer or to die } } \header { title = "Sidmouth Mummers Play" composer = "Anon" } There are two problems. The first is that this generates two sets of snippets, one for each line of music. Is there any way to generate a snippet covering both lines. The second is that it generates an error, and does not generate the overall pdf output from the ps file. The error is: c:/Program Files/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/framework-ps.scm:548:62: In procedure car in expression (car systems): c:/Program Files/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/framework-ps.scm:548:62: Wrong type (expecting pair): () Any idea what's causing it (and how to get rid of it)? -- Mark Austin ---------- For Whigs admit no force but argument ---------- _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user