To whom it may concern,
Here is what I have come up with. It does not meet my original goal,
but it is good enough for now. \barNumber forces a bar number to
appear at the current or next full-measure bar line.
\manualBarNumbersOn should appear at the beginning of the score to set
things up.
A wart that catches my eye is taking the bar number from the grob text
in bar-number-break-visibility callback.
A useful(?) enhancement would be to make the default visibility a
parameter of \manualBarNumbersOn.
barNumber =
#(define-music-function (parser location) ()
(let ((m (make-music 'ApplyContext)))
(define (force-bar-number ctx)
(let* ((barnum-table (ly:context-property ctx
(if (not (hash-table? barnum-table)) ; first use in this score?
; create the set of visible bar numbers
(set! barnum-table (make-hash-table 16))
(ly:context-set-property! ctx 'visibleBarNumbers barnum-table)))
(let* ((barnum (ly:context-property ctx 'currentBarNumber))
(measurePos (ly:context-property ctx 'measurePosition))
(measureLen (ly:context-property ctx 'measureLength))
(mid-measure (and (ly:moment<? ZERO-MOMENT measurePos)
(ly:moment<? measurePos measureLen))))
(if mid-measure
(set! barnum (1+ barnum)))
(hash-set! barnum-table barnum #t)
(set! (ly:music-property m 'procedure) force-bar-number)
(context-spec-music m 'Score)))
manualBarNumbersOn =
#(define-music-function (parser location) ()
(let ((musForCtx (make-music 'ApplyContext)))
(define (set-callback ctx)
(let ()
(define (bar-number-break-visibility-callback grob)
(let ((barnum-table (ly:context-property ctx 'visibleBarNumbers))
(barnum (string->number (ly:grob-property grob 'text))))
(if (and (hash-table? barnum-table)
(hash-ref barnum-table barnum))
(ly:context-pushpop-property ctx 'BarNumber 'break-visibility
(set! (ly:music-property musForCtx 'procedure) set-callback)
(context-spec-music musForCtx 'Score)))
On 2 Sep 2009, at 18:51, Dan Eble wrote:
Thanks for your replies.
\bar allows a break, but does not force it. Ideally, I would like a
bar number printed only after a break.
If memory serves, the all-visible override didn't work in mid-
measure for the upcoming full-measure bar line. (I do not have the
time right now to override the next full-measure bar line by hand in
250 scores.)
I have pieced together an experimental solution to build a hash of
manually specified measure numbers, which is used by a custom
barNumberVisibility function. It doesn't yet work for my multi-
score book, because I based it on the table of contents
implementation, so the list is global. I suppose I need to store
the list of visible bar numbers in the Score context instead. Is
that right?
This will give me a bar number wherever I specify it, whether it is
the first one after a break or not. It would be functional, but not
exactly what I want.
On 2 Sep 2009, at 09:17, Trevor Daniels wrote:
Mats Bengtsson wrote Wednesday, September 02, 2009 1:38 PM
Trevor Daniels wrote:
Does this not work when inserted immediately before
the first full bar on the line? (I haven't actually
tried it)
\once \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)
Why not write it as
\once \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #all-visible
Of course, this method works, but it requires that you manually
insert it where you know that there will be a line break.
Yes, I know. But since Dan is already inserting
\bar "" in the places where a mid-bar break is
required I wondered why he could not also insert
this override before the following bar.
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