Thank you,
Yes, as I want to make think fairly complex (bilingual+ music) , I shall study more Scribus..

Federico Bruni a écrit :

 Pierre Couderc wrote:

>What is the best way for a book with Lilypond extracts in it?
>I have tried LaTeX with lilypond book, but I get mixs of lilyponds 'images" with other images.
>What am I missing?
>Is Scribus an alternative : I see here that there are problems too? Ooffice?

Scribus is an alternative.

If you need to include just small fragments of score,

you may use a new feature called "Rendering frames".

It's ok if the output is within the frame you draw in Scribus.

I don't know if it works fine..

If the output of LilyPond code is 2 pages or more, you should use the image frame instead.

In this case, you have two options:

1 - use the stable version of Scribus (1.3.x), but you'll have to split each pdf produced by LilyPond, and load one pdf for frame.

Not handy..

2 - use 1.3.5.x, which has the page number feature (so you load one file in three frames and set different pages for each frame).

Very handy :-)

No need to split. Also, the linked pdf is the output of the LilyPond file. So if you change the .ly source (and therefore the .pdf),

also the .sla file will change automatically (I think).

The problem is this feature works only in a very recent version (svn 27 august).

I guess for Windows it's this:

For Linux you have to compile it from source..

See this thread:


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