hi all,

how can I change the notehead style of only some of the noteheads of a chord in 
a tabvoice? In the archives I found a solution that produces a cross-style 
notehead for selected noteheads in normal/traditional notation:

\version "2.13.3"
x = #(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:music?)
(ly:music-property note 'tweaks)
(acons 'style 'cross
(ly:music-property note 'tweaks)))

gtr = \relative c, { <e b' e \x g b e> }

\score {
      \new Staff = "guitar traditional" <<
        \clef "treble_8"
        \context Voice 
      \new TabStaff = "guitar tab" <<
        \context TabVoice  

Unfortunately the cross-style notehead does not appear in tablature. Is it 
possible to mix notehead styles in tablature chords?

Thank you for any hint!


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