On Sep 1, 2009, at 11:17 PM, Christian Henning wrote:

Hi there, I'm almost finished with my first lilypond piece. I'm quite
happy with the results. But, there are a couple of questions left
regarding the output. Please consider the following piece:

\version "2.12.2"

#(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #t)  % deletes the .ps file

\header {
        title = "Title"
        composer = "Band"

\new ChordNames {
                \set chordChanges = ##t
                g1 |
                g4.:sus4~g16:sus4 g2~g16 | \break
                bes1 |
                bes4.:sus4~bes16:sus4 bes2~bes16 | \break
                c1 |
                c2:sus4 c2| \break
                c:m |
                c:m |

\new Voice \with
        \consists Pitch_squash_engraver
\relative c''
        g4 g8. g16 g8 g~g16 g g g
        g8. g16 g16 g g8  ~ g16 g g g g4
        g4 g8. g16 g8 g~g16 g g g
        g8. g16 g16 g g8  ~ g16 g g g g4
        g4 g8. g16 g8 g~g16 g g g
        g8 g8 g8. g16 g16 g16 g8 g4
        g4 g8. g16 g8 g~g16 g g g
        g4 g8. g16 g8 g~g16 g g g

Here are my questions.

1. In the first and second line inside the 2nd measure the second
chord is hovering to far to the right over the tie. Is it possible to
have the chords above the note where the tie starts?

Christian, your rhythms in the chords are different than in the \improvisationOn part. Maybe you meant something like
g4.:sus4 g8 ~ g2

2. In the last line and 2nd measure. The c:m is missing. Why?

\set chordChanges = ##t means "only print the chord name when the chord changes" - since you have two c:m in a row, it won't print the second

3. In the \header does lilypond have options for putting down what the
guitar is tuned too? Also, not necessary for this piece, but how can I
state where to put a capo?

I'd suggest starting with the Fretted string instruments section (NR 2.4) -


(I've definitely seen tuning and capo information in there; not sure what you're looking for)

best of luck!

Thanks again everyone who helped me out so far,

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