Frederick Dennis wrote:
> In Sibelius, you put the key signature, e.g. F sharp major, then type
> the plain letter names, e.g. f g a b c d e f which plays back as the
> scale of F sharp major.

I knew there was a reason why I didn't like Sibelius ... 'simple' ways
of working that wind up generating mental pain when you start doing
anything the slightest bit complicated.

> The Lilypond method seems a bit odd to start with, but "es" and "is" are
> easily typed. What's the point of quibbling over it.
> As Graham says, the coders got there first.

The coders got it _right_.  This is another instance of confusion
between data entry and data storage -- see my post elsewhere in this thread:

If you looked in Sibelius' underlying data structures, I doubt you'd see
any 'following the key signature'.

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