Federico Bruni a écrit :
M Watts wrote:
On 08/29/2009 09:47 AM, Federico Bruni wrote:
Anybody of you has tried using Scribus 1.3.5 to render LilyPond files?
See here: http://docs.scribus.net/index.php?lang=en&page=renderframes
If the score is one page only, it works fine.
But if it's 2 pages or more, I could not find any way to spread the
LilyPond output over the pages.
So I can see just one page and all the other pages are hidden..
One way is to split or burst the lilypond pdf so that each page is a
separate pdf; there's a number of commandline utilities to do this,
such as pdftk <pdftk.com>
thanks for the hint
anyway, it's not handy and it does not worth
I think this feature of Scribus is good for showing small pieces of
LilyPond output (for example, in a book about musical theory).
But if you want to make a complete book (which is my case), with many
scores, you have to use other methods.
As far as I know, there are two ways:
* lilypond-book and LaTeX
* \book and \bookpart blocks in LilyPond
Less intuitive, but much more powerful.. if I only managed to get them
working ;-)
lilypond-user mailing list
Mmm, anybody of you has tried using Latex to render LilyPond files with
I have a problem with it : the order of objects is lost.
My code is short, I paste it below.
I get the 1rst line of lilypond before is it expected : at the end of
1rst page, before "Ordinaire..."
I cannot split my lilypond code into smaller parts : it is not possible
in gregorian.
Thank you for any help
Pierre Couderc
{\Huge Ordinaire des Vêpres du Jeudi}
Rite romain
\version "2.12.1"
\include "gregorian.ly"
\score {
\new VaticanaVoice = "cantus" {
\clef "vaticana-do3"
% De- us in ad- iu- tó- rium_ me- um in- tende.
a a \divisioMinima a a a \[ a\melisma \pes b\melismaEnd \] a
a a a g \[ g\melisma \pes a\melismaEnd \] a \finalis
% R/._Dó- mi- ne, ad ad- iu- ván- dum me fes- tí- na
a a a \divisioMinima a a a a a a g \[ g\melisma \pes a\melismaEnd
\] a \divisioMaxima
% Glo- ri- a Pa- tri, et Fí- li- o, et Spi- rí- tu- i Sanc- to
a a a a a a a g g \divisioMinima g a a a g \[ g\melisma \pes
a\melismaEnd \] a \divisioMaxima
% Si- cut e- rat in prin- ci- pi- o, % et nunc et sem- per
a a a a a a a a a a a a a g \divisioMinima
% et in sæ- cu- la sæ- cu- ló- rum. A- men Allelúia.
g a a a a a a a g \[ g\melisma \pes a\melismaEnd \] a \divisioMaior
a \[ a\melisma \pes b\melismaEnd \] \[ a\melisma \flexa \deminutum
g\melismaEnd \] g \finalis
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "cantus" {
De- us in ad- iu- tó- ri- um me- um in- ten- de.
R/._Dó- mi- ne, ad ad- iu- ván- dum me fes- tí- na.
Glo- ri- a Pa- tri, et Fí- li- o, et Spi- rí- tu- i Sanc- to
Si- cut e- rat in prin- ci- pi- o,
et nunc et sem- per et in sæ- cu- la sæ- cu- ló- rum. A- men. Al-
le- lú- ia.
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