Simon Mackenzie wrote:
> If Accidental engraving is turned on the equivalent music
> sheet in Lilypond has something like 10 times the number
> of accidentals appearing on the sheet and not the three I
> wish to have appear as seen in the hard copy of the music
> sheet above.

Probably one of two things is happening:
1) Maybe you forgot to put the key signature
   \key c \minor
2) Maybe you're entering a-flat, b-flat, and e-flat as a, b,
   and e. The first two notes in the example are g and b-flat.
   so you have to enter { g8 bes ... } not { g8 b }. If you
   do { g8 b ... } then a natural sign will be printed because
   b is not in the key of C minor.

- Mark


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