2009/8/19 Patrick Schmidt <p.l.schm...@gmx.de>:
>  I actually sent two enhancement requests to bug-lilyp...@gnu.org one week 
> ago (13 Aug. 2009). I wonder what happened to them. (Enhancement request: 
> automatic polyphony in TabStaff context; Enhancement request: Automatic 
> glissando marks in chords). Where can I see what's on the tracker?


these requests have /not/ been lost, and will be added to the tracker
whenever I have a little time. When I can blindly copy/paste a
request, I am generally to process it very quickly but these two
requests did require a few minutes for me to understand, test and
possibly rephrase things.

In the meantime, you may be interested in discussing your
tablatures-related questions on our unofficial tablatures mailing list
http://lists.lilynet.net/tablatures/ (that hasn't been made public


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