Nick Payne wrote Wednesday, August 12, 2009 9:59 PM
Yes, the <> construct around the note is needed. If you just have
e-4 e^4
e_4, all three fingerings will appear above the notes. You need
<e-4> <e^4>
^ and _ also work with articulations and slurs and ties. It's
mentioned in s.2.2.3 of the LM as working for articulations and
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Jonathan Kulp
Is the use of _ and ^ with fingerings documented anywhere? I
don't remember
seeing this. It's certainly easier than using the chord angle
Am I correct in thinking that you'll still have to use <> if you
want the
fingerings to go left or right of the note? In that case, \set
fingeringOrientations is still necessary for single notes
The fullest explanation of fingering is in
section 4.4.2 of the Learning Manual, which
deals with the placement of Within-staff objects.
Look for the second subsection there - it's
called Fingering.
Although this subsection is indexed it doesn't
appear in the Table of Contents. I've fixed that
to make it more visible.
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