Hi, I also do like the new web, thank you all!

2009/8/12 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>

> 1)  The current Introduction->Features and Introduction->Examples
> pages are intended to condense three pages from the old site.  One
> -user reader looked through them and said that the new page looks
> fine, but I'd like a few more people to examine them.
> http://lilypond.org/~graham/Features.html<http://lilypond.org/%7Egraham/Features.html>
> (I've made the links clearer)
> - are we missing any worthwhile info?  (like those bulleted lists
>  of features?)

What I like about Lilypond is separation of presentation and content. This
is also great with lyrics. I do much less lyrics typing with Lilypond
comparing with other software - If I have done one mass setting (Kyrie,
Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus - plenty of lyrics) the second one
is much more easier. With strophic songs - adding new strophe means minute
or few of work (no matter if I want it one below the other, or one after the
I don't see nice and simple way how to express this on the features page,
but maybe someone else could find it.

Marek Klein
lilypond-user mailing list

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