On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 6:15 AM, Gerard McConnell <gerry...@indigo.ie>wrote:

>  Hello,
> I've been using Lilypond to draw examples for my
> counterpoint tutorial website at:
> http://homepage.eircom.net/~gerfmcc/fugue.html<http://homepage.eircom.net/%7Egerfmcc/fugue.html>
> The staff lines are somewhat blurred.   What is the
> likely reason for this? (I'm converting the output to
> .png with {lilypond --png file.ly} )
> (As I state on the site that I'm using Lilypond I'd like to
> show the best possible output.)
> Thanks,
> Gerard
Hi Gerard,

I see the problem and can report that the same thing happens for me when
viewing these things on a screen. Check our own new website, for example
(still in development):


Some of the staff lines are blurred on our examples as well.  Just now I
tried running a file at a much higher resolution and the problem is still
there.  I don't think this has anything to do with Lilypond, but rather with
images being rendered on a screen. When I look at a lilypond pdf file in
either Evince or Acroread, some of the lines are blurred there as well, but
the printed output always looks excellent. Incidentally, I just went to my
iMac and looked at a bunch of .tif files generated by Finale at something
like 1200 dpi, and they also have some blurry staff lines. I don't think
it's specific to Lilypond. These Finale images were made for an article I
published a few years ago and they looked perfect in the printed copy.



p.s. it's funny that you should write to the list now, since just a few days
ago one of my faculty colleagues forwarded an email to me about your
counterpoint website. I also have a counterpoint project going, info here in
you're interested:


Jonathan Kulp
lilypond-user mailing list

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