On 08/08/2009, at 05:41, Trevor Daniels wrote:
Simon Mackenzie wrote Friday, August 07, 2009 3:55 PM
Eg. What does it mean on page 34 of the Learning Tutorial when it
"Variables must be defined before the main music expression."
Does this mean the \score { } or does it mean the expression in which
the declared variable is referenced?
The former, as shown quite clearly in the
template you mention below.
Implied but I feel not so clearly stated. If you declare a \book scope
which contains \bookpart(s) with \score(s) where are variables to be
declared? If I understand this all correctly variables must be
declared outside this/these scope(s)? Correct? (as you have mentioned
below variables must be declared outside (adding ALL would be helpful
here) braces.
Because I dutifully declare my variables before the \score { } in my
script file using the example template from "A.1.4 Notes, lyrics and
chords" on page 143, again of the learning manual.
End result...
This error when I compile my script
"Unexpected string" errors for every variable I've declared and no
idea as to why the template example fails to perform as claimed in
harmonies = \chordmode {...
melody = \lyricmode {... etc. generate "Unexpected string" errors
The template in the manual certainly does compile
without errors, as the image just below it is the
direct result of a compilation. I suggest you
look at the template on the website at
From this page you can either copy&paste the code
directly, or click on the image of the music to
open the file directly (in the latter case you
will need to delete the first three lines). These
files will then compile correctly (I've just tried
Agreed, have tested same with complete success which is why I
mentioned "scoping" in my last post.
From the error message it looks as if you are
inserting braces round the whole. Variable
definitions come before any braces.
I'll add a bit to the manual to make that clear.
Will definitely help would-be travelers such as myself, thank you.
Here is my scenario
If I create a variable at the top scope how do I reassign its value in
a subsequent scope eg.
aVariable = \markup { \bold bananas }
\book {
\bookpart {
\aVariable % "bananas"
\score {
aVariable = \markup { \bold now \italic { equals this string } %
want to be to reassign aVariable a new value so that...
\aVariable % "now equals this string"
Thank you for your comments
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