Gerard McConnell wrote:
AFAIK to put an image on a web-page, I need a bitmap, not a .pdf.  I can't find any reference to .png in any of the docs.  So far I've been using alt-printScreen and Paint to produce .png files.  While this sort of works, I'm not getting the best output that Lilypond can deliver, due to minor inconsistencies in barline width and notehead placement. I would prefer to get this right, since I state on the website that I'm using Lilypond for score creation.  What should I be doing to place a Lilypond score on my webpages?
If you're on anything that can act like a mac or linux, use Jonathan Kulp's lily2image script it does a great job of making the image and you can even use transparency.  Great work Jonathan.  It's been posted here, but I don't know if it comes with lilypond yet.

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