On 30th July, Nick Payne had a problem with getting dots to move with their
notes. Today, I had a similar problem which is shown in the minimal example
.ly file attached..

The first example shows the situation I wanted to modify.

The second example uses \once \override NoteColumn 'force-hshift which ends
up with the notes moved but their dots stationary. I did try the same
procedure with DotColumn without any success.

In the third example I inverted the two voices and used the same command as
above and the dots moved with the notes.

Could anyone please explain what is causing this very strange behavior with
dotted notes.

In the piece I am converting from a very rough manuscript to 'quality LP'
output, there are a number of similar occurrences. I have noticed that the
upper voice seems to get preference in the leftmost note column over the
lower voice. Can this priority be changed?



Attachment: test.ly
Description: Binary data

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