Hi all,

I would like to achieve a chord slide. Here's my code (based on the Double 
Glissando snippet):

\version "2.13.3"
\relative c'{
  e,16 e<<
      % new voice ( = \voiceOne), hidden
      % attach glissando to note heads
      e'\glissando f
      % original voice with chords rearranged so that
      % glissando is attached to b' & c'
      \stemUp<e b'>\glissando <f c'>

1) How come that I can see the glissando marks when I use half notes but not 
when I use sixteenths?

2) How can I slide chords with more than 2 voices?

3) How can I combine the beams of the single notes with those of the slided 

Thanks for your help!

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