Work on the actual content of the website seems to have hit a
brick wall.  I'm not very happy about this, especially since some
of the gaps are easy to fill.  (*nobody* knows *anything* about
the non-English forums for discussing lilypond?  really?!?)

Anyway, I'm declaring the next week to be Introduction week.
Pretend that you don't know what lilypond is.  Pretend that you
manage to navigate the scary main page in order to get to the
Introduction page.

Consider two questions:
1.  Would these 7 web pages (everything under Introduction)
convince you to give lilypond a try?
2.  If you used lilypond for a short time (say, 1-3 hours), would
you regret doing so?  I mean, do the current Introduction webpages
gloss over any problems?  Would you feel cheated or mislead?
I suppose we could take the view that it's advertizing, and thus
we should *try* to trick people, but I really dislike this aspect
of modern society.  If somebody wouldn't be happy with lilypond,
then let's try to make sure they realize that before they try it.

Pretty much everybody on this list uses lilypond, and there must
be *some* features or reasons you use it.  So answering #1 should
be easy.

Also, can you improve any examples?  I mean, the Goyescas /
Granados example and Cary / Baca examples look *wicked awesome*.
In contrast, the tablature example bores me to tears, the vocal
music example is probably missing a / accent in "trou-ve", etc.

Patrick Schmidt is in charge of writing texinfo and creating
patches for any consensus that's reached in this discussion.
Jonathan is in charge of the Examples, and retains overall
editorial say over the entire Introduction section.  I want to go
off and work on other stuff for a week, then return and find a
wonderful, finished, translator-ready, Introduction section.

- Graham

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