2009/7/31 Jonathan Wilkes <jancs...@yahoo.com>:

> cross-staff tremolos - when doing a "\repeat tremolo 4 { c16 d }", you
> can't put a "\change" inside the brackets, so I had to use an
> "\autochange" to get cross-staff tremolos.

This isn't true.  As long as you bear in mind that there can only be
two music arguments to \repeat tremolo, all that's required is to
place the note which changes stave inside braces together with the
\change command: this ensures the \repeat function interprets the
music correctly, i.e., as two elements instead of three.

  \new Staff = up {
  \new Staff = down {
    \repeat tremolo 4 {
      { \change Staff = up d'16 }

I think this would be useful as a `Selected snippet' in the
documentation for tremolos, so I'll add an example to the LSR and
update the docs when I do the next LSR update.


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