Just to update you on the problem I'd reported earlier, regarding trying to get
Lilypond to lay a song out on 3 pages, I found a workaround:
In the Lilypond source where this song failed to lay out on 3 pages, that
song's staff size (16) was smaller than that of the other songs in the cycle.
Therefore I'd used
#(layout-set-staff-size 16)
in a \layout block of the \score block for that song, together with
\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #0.8
for each stave in that song. This produced staves and symbols of the correct
size (16), though the song failed to fit into 3 pages.
I tried a second method: I separated that song and the title page into a
separate document. I was therefore able to set the staff size globally, using
#(set-global-staff-size 16)
in a \paper block at top level. Lilypond then successfully laid the song out on
3 pages.
It seems to me that the former method resizes the symbols and the stave line
spacing, but not certain parameters that influence the spacing between symbols.
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