On 7/23/09 12:28 PM, "Kieren MacMillan" <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>

> Hi Mark,
>> is there a clear advantage to having a smaller namespace?
> No need to maintain crossrefs and aliases in the documentation.
> [Might not be a huge thing, but it's a "clear advantage".]

I don't think it's necessary to maintain crossrefs.

We have instrument-specific sections of the manual.  Harmonics for string
instruments can be introduced as \harmonic in the string instrument part of
the notation.  Silent presses (natural resonance) for keyboards can be
taught in the keyboard part of the manual.  The fact that both use
diamond-shaped noteheads is irrelevant, as far as the manual is concerned, I

Similarly, we can notate keySlap in woodwinds and deadNote in fretted
strings.  The fact that both use xNoteHead is irrelevant as far as the
manual is concerned, IMO.



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