To whom it may concern:

I have a problem with getting ties to work over a barline.   Essentially, I
am working with two layers.  In m. 1, layer one is hidden (with a hidden
rest) and in m.2, there are 3 half notes, which show up just fine (the piece
is in 3/2 time).  In layer two, m.1, I have a chord at the end of the
measure that ties over the barline into m. 2.  I can get the ties to extend
over the barline for the bottom two notes in the chord, but the top note
does not show a barline, even though I have used tildes to connect the
chords over the barlines.  (And yes, they are ties, not slurs)  I have tried
a few different things - putting tildes on each note in the chord, putting
the tilde after the < > brackets, removing the barline character - but
nothing seems to work.

Attached is my example that I'm working with.  Any help that could be given
would be greatly appreciated.


Chris Auerbach-Brown

Attachment: introspection no 8 ex
Description: Binary data

Attachment: introspection no 8 ex 2.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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