2009/7/7 Holger Hellebro <hol...@gmail.com>:
> Hi
> I'm struggling to get the lyrics right for a piece that for the most part
> has only one line of lyrics, but in one place (i.e. not in the beginning)
> there is a repeat and I need two stanzas of lyrics there. Is there any
> convenient way of doing this? I have experimented with something like
>     \addlyrics { \words << \sfirst \ssecond >> }
> where \words are the lyrics for the first part of the piece and the \sfirst
> and \ssecond are the lyrics for the two stanzas. Of course, this doesn't
> work, but I believe it may illustrate what I'm trying to achieve. I've
> looked through the documentation without luck, but any pointers would be
> welcome in case I've just missed it.
> I suppose it's possible to have two stanzas for the complete piece and have
> a lot of spaces (_) in the second stanza, but I'm hoping there's a more
> convenient way of doing it.

Try something like

\new Staff { c' c' c' c'
        \new Voice = "singleLyrics" { c' c' c' c' }
        \new Voice = "doubleLyrics" { d' d' d' d' }
c' c' c' c' }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "singleLyrics" \lyricmode { sin sin sin sin }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "doubleLyrics" \lyricmode { one one one one  }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "doubleLyrics" \lyricmode { two two two two  }


Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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