You're right of course; I just thought it was worth asking on the off chance
that someone would know right away what I was talking about and I could save
myself the hour or so it would take to construct a "minimal" example.

In the course of doing that I've found one further necessary condition for
the problem to appear: the volta engraver has to be in the Staff context. In
the example below, there should be a line break between first and second
ending at the default line width. The "Mar." appears about even with the top
staff line. If you leave the volta engraver in the Score context, the name
is normally centered.

Of course in the example there is no good reason to move the volta engraver,
but in the actual music there is.


[snippet follows]

\version "2.12.2"

\paper {
ragged-last = ##t
\layout {
    \context {
    \context { \Score
           \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t 
           \remove "Volta_engraver" 
MarOne =  \relative cis' {
    \clef "bass" \key a \minor \numericTimeSignature\time 4/4 
       \repeat volta 2 {
             e,8 a16 a16 a8 a8 b8 b8 a8 a16 a16 |  
            e,8 a16 a16 a8 a8 b8 b8 a8 a16 a16 |
            d,8 d8 d cis8  r2 |  } 
            \alternative  {
                   { r4 r r8 e8 e4 | } 
                   {  r4 fis8 g8 fis8 g8 fis8 g8 |   } 
OrgOne =  \relative e' {
    \clef "treble" \key a \minor \numericTimeSignature\time 4/4
            \repeat volta 2 {
              <e a>8 _. <e a>8 _. <e a>8
            _. <e a>8 _. <e b'>8 _. <e b'>8 _. <e a>8 _. <e a>8 _. | 
            R1 |
            <e d'>8 _. <e d'>8 _. <e d'>8 _. <e cis'>8 _. r2 |  } 
            \alternative   {
                       {  r4 r r8 <e a>8 _. <e a>8 _. <e a>8 _. | }
                       {   s1 |  } 

OrgThree =  \relative e {
    \clef "bass" \key a \minor \numericTimeSignature\time 4/4
           \repeat volta 2 {
             a,8 _. a8 _. d8 _. a8 _. cis8
            _. a8 _. a'4 | 
            R1 |
            a8 ^. a8 ^. a8 ^. a,8 ^. a8 ^. a8 ^. a8 ^. a,8 ^. | } 
            \alternative   {
                    { r4 r r8 a'8 ^. a8 ^. a8 ^. |  }
                    {  s1 |  }

\score {
        \new Staff  \with {
        \consists "Volta_engraver" }
            \set Staff.instrumentName = "Marimba"
            \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Mar."
            \context Staff << 
                \context Voice = "MarOne" { \MarOne }
        \new PianoStaff <<
            \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Organ"
            \set PianoStaff.shortInstrumentName = "Org."
            \context Staff = "1" << 
                \context Voice = "OrgOne" { \OrgOne }
                >> \context Staff = "2" <<
                \context Voice = "OrgThree" { \OrgThree }
    \layout {}

Gilles Sadowski wrote:
> Hi.
>> I have several instances where instrument names are too high, much higher
>> than the staff center line. It happens with both full and short names,
>> but
>> only when a volta bracket is over the first measure.
>> If this rings a bell and merits further discussion, I can provide
>> examples.
> Without an example, it's hard to gues what's going wrong ;-)
> Best,
> Gilles
> P.S. Keep the example minimal (i.e. just enough code to display the
>      behaviour).
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