Here's the function I use for indicating harmonics:

harmonics = #(define-music-function (parser location text osp shorten
adjBreak adjEnd) 
        (string? number? pair? number? number?) 
        % osp can be normally be set to zero unless you need to resolve a
        \once \override TextSpanner #'outside-staff-priority = #$osp
        \once \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = \markup
{ \teeny $text }
        % setup dashed line and draw a bracket edge on RHS
        \once \override TextSpanner #'dash-period = #1.5
        \once \override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #0.6
        \once \override TextSpanner #'thickness = #0.8
        \once \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right #'text = \markup
{ \draw-line #'(0 . -0.5) }
        % set alignment of line with reference to left text
        \once \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left
#'stencil-align-dir-y = #CENTER
        \once \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'padding = #(car
        \once \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right #'padding =
#(cdr $shorten)
        % allow adjustment of line end when it wraps to following stave
        \once \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right-broken #'padding
= #$adjEnd
        % adjust LH end of line when it wraps to following stave so that it
        % extend to the left of the notes on the stave
        \once \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left-broken #'X =
        % optional override to remove text and bracket edge at line breaks
%       \once \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left-broken #'text =
        \once \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right-broken #'text =

Here is its actual use in a score:

        \override NoteHead #'style = #'harmonic-mixed
        \harmonics "harm. 8va " #0 #'(0 . -1.5) #5 #1
        e,4\startTextSpan\ppp\< fs4. gs8 |
        a4\> g4. f8\! |
        e4\< fs4. gs8\! |
        b4 d4.\sf c8 |
        b4\p\> a4. g8\! |
        e4\< d4. c8 |
        fs4\pp\> e4. d8 |
        c4 as4. c8\! |
        \once\override Hairpin #'minimum-length = #8
        \revert NoteHead #'style fs''4.\> b,8\! |


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On
> Behalf Of David Stocker
> Sent: Wednesday, 1 July 2009 1:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: spanner question
> Hello folks,
> I have a question about a text spanner in a pre-defined variable.
> In the snippet below, the first example does everything I want except
> that in the first line of music, the spanner line doesn't extend to the
> barline at the end of the line. I've achieved this by using two
> pre-defined variables for the text spanner I want: one to start it, and
> one to finish it with a terminal ending.
> In the second example, the spanner extends to the end of the first line
> of music (with a terminal ending that I *don't* want) and then, starts
> too far to the left on the second line. The terminal ending at the
> conclusion of the chord acts the way I want it to.
> My goal is to define a single variable (perhaps a music function) that
> will fulfill these requirements:
>     * Extends over multiple systems, extending to the last measure's
>       barline without the terminal ending
>     * Picks up at the beginning of subsequent lines with identical
>       positioning as the initiation of the spanner
>     * Dynamically adds a terminal ending to the end of the spanner
> Has anyone worked on this issue already (possibly with a scheme
> function)?
> Also, the final destination for this is most probably going to be a
> "\include" file with many (dozens?) pre-defined variables for common
> text spanners used in guitar music. If I achieve the results I hope
> for,
> I plan to share it with the community.
> Thanks,
> David
> Here's the snippet:
> %%% begin ly snippet %%%
> \version "2.13.1"
> harmOn = {
>   \override Voice.NoteHead  #'style = #'harmonic-mixed
>   \tieDashed
> } %% Set harmonics to diamond noteheads with dashed ties
> harmXII = {
>   \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = \markup { \teeny
> \upright"Arm. XII " }
>   \once \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details right padding) = #-0.75
>   \once \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left padding) = #-0.25
>   \once \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left stencil-align-dir-
> y)
> }
> harmXIIterm = {
>   \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = \markup { \teeny
> \upright"Arm. XII " }
>   \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details right text) = \markup {
> \draw-line #'(0 . -0.75) }
>   \once \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details right padding) = #-0.75
>   \once \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left padding) = #-0.25
>   \once \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left stencil-align-dir-
> y)
> }
> exOne= {
>   \relative c' {
>     \harmOn
>     \harmXII
>     \textSpannerUp
>     \mark \markup { \bold "Example 1" }
>     <e a d g b e>1~ \startTextSpan | <e a d g b e>1 | <e a d g b e>1~ |
> <e a d g b e>1 \stopTextSpan \break \harmXIIterm <e a d g b e>1~
> \startTextSpan <e a d g b e> \stopTextSpan \bar "||"
>   }
> }
> exTwo = {
>   \relative c' {
>     \harmOn
>     \harmXIIterm
>     \textSpannerUp
>     \mark \markup { \bold "Example 2" }
> <e a d g b e>1~ \startTextSpan | <e a d g b e>1 | <e a d g b e>1~ | <e
> a
> d g b e>1 \break <e a d g b e>1~ <e a d g b e> \stopTextSpan \bar "||"
>   }
> }
> \score {
>   \exOne
> }
> \score {
>   \exTwo
> }
> %%% end ly snippet %%%
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